{ 03 August 2005 }
9:52 PM |  
Time for another weekend. Goals for this Thursday and Friday (it's 2-fer weekend!):

- finish 2 chapters of real estate book
- finish up Linda's two label templates
- send out a tape (or 2)
- go play racquetball (score 2 points)
- work out both Thursday and Friday.
- email Derek Wing and Ryan Yamamoto.... i don't know why i put this here.
- clear two boxes from my room.
- two loads of laundry
- build an ark an fill it with... eh, never mind.

{ 01 August 2005 }
5:54 PM |  
Reading a new book, Blue Like Jazz. It's a Christian author, but very different from any of those other Christian books I've read. Very much literature as opposed to sermon-in-a-book. It's a very relatable story.




question: What is "onasteek?" answer: a silly name from a silly joke from a time long past. but enough about onasteek. let's talk about me.


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